Tactical first-aid & paramedics in damaged areas

GLOSS sécurité offers advanced first aid training for all those who work in hostile and isolated environments, so that you can become fully operational in performing first aid on one or more victims, or on yourself.

TCCC stands for "Tactical Combat Casualty Care".

90% of battle deaths occur on the battlefield long before the wounded can reach an aid station. A quarter of them could have been saved if adequate measures had been put in place.

The main aim of this training course is to assess and manage polytrauma victims in combat zones.

Our certified "High Field" trainers will pass on techniques based on a combination of first-aid know-how and "medical" practical experience using makeshift equipment in extreme conditions or remote areas such as jungle and bush, or even conflict zones. 

Anti-poaching campaign

The preservation of wildlife in Burkina Faso is also one of our concerns and priorities. Indeed, poachers and other vicious individuals are destroying the very essence of animal life, either to feed themselves or to feed a "traditional pharmaceutical culture" that has yet to be scientifically proven: rhinoceros horn for its so-called aphrodisiac properties, pangolin for blood circulation and rheumatism relief, elephant tusks for ivory and, more generally, all wild animals slaughtered as bushmeat.

Following the example of Krüger Park in South Africa, where a team of "black mambas" (units essentially made up of women) has been in existence for over 9 years, Gloss sécurité can provide you with customized training in the management and training of ecoguard teams to best protect wildlife park species.

Through technical and tactical know-how, of a formidable effectiveness recognized in actions of punch by the units of the fight against the orpailleurs in Amazonia for example. Our training courses cover everything from young recruits to the complete restructuring of Ranger and Eco-Guard teams.