Risk prevention and first aid
Many companies have seen the need to train some of their staff in the SST (Occupational First Aid Rescuer). Individuals, too, have integrated the need and importance of training in first aid, especially for domestic accidents and those related to everyday life in general.
GLOSS offers you fire prevention and personal rescue modules where you can acquire knowledge and know-how relating to evacuation and reading an emergency plan, the use of means of extinguishing a fire, and first aid gestures:
- Introduction to first aid (or first aid)
- First Aid Worker
- Training in the use of fire-extinguishing equipment
Tactical First Aid & Paramedics in Degraded Areas
GLOSS sécurité is able to offer advanced first aid training for all people who work in a hostile and isolated environment in order to make you operational in terms of the first aid gestures to be performed on one or more victims or on yourself.
The TCCC stands for "Tactical Combat Casualty Care".
90% of combat deaths occur on the battlefield long before the wounded have been able to reach a dressing station. A quarter of them could have been saved if adequate measures had been put in place.
The main objective of this training is to assess and care for polytrauma patients in combat zones.
Our certified "High Field" trainers will transmit to you the techniques resulting from a mix of first aid know-how and "medic" practices with makeshift means in extreme conditions or in remote areas such as the jungle and bush or conflict zones.
Awareness courses in hostile areas
The risks of malice, kidnapping and attacks are unfortunately increasing and present throughout the world. Gloss Sécurité offers internationally recognized training on the awareness and management of stress and risks in hostile environments. This course is more often known as HEAT (Hostile Environmental Awareness Training)
This training is aimed at all staff of private companies, NGOs, institutions, banks (non-exhaustive list) and individuals operating in a degraded environment or so-called hostile area.
This training takes place over 5 days and aims to:
- Improve the knowledge of trainees in insecure areas
- Train people to anticipate and react to unknown threats
- To be able to analyze the situation, to react calmly and serenely to these situations
The preservation of wildlife in Burkina Faso is also one of our concerns and priorities. Indeed, poachers or any other type of evil individuals destroy the very essence of animal life either to feed themselves or to feed a "traditional pharmaceutical culture" that remains scientifically to be proven: rhinoceros horn with its so-called aphrodisiac virtues, pangolins for blood circulation and the relief of rheumatism, elephant tusks for ivory and more generally all wild animals slaughtered as meat of bush.
Following the example of the Krüger Park in South Africa with the creation more than 9 years ago of a team called "black mambas" (units mainly composed of women), Gloss sécurité provides you with tailor-made training in the management and training of teams of eco-guards in order to best protect the species of wildlife parks.
Through technical and tactical know-how, of a formidable efficiency recognized in the punch actions by the units of the fight against gold miners in the Amazon, for example. Our training courses range from the young recruit to the complete restructuring of the Ranger and Eco-Guard teams.
Defensive Driving & Anti-Aggression Course
This course is particularly aimed at safety drivers and professionals working in high-risk areas. Whether you travel in 4X4 vehicles, armoured vehicles, alone or in convoy, you will acquire the right automatisms, from taking the vehicle into account to the various techniques of controlling it during normal and/or extreme situations.