GLOSS Sécurité, the genesis

The story begins with the need to secure a hotel in Ouagadougou named after the founder of the Moogo Kingdom (which included the Mossi peoples). From her escape from Ghana and her meeting with the warrior Rialé, (" a hunter of princely blood ") in what is now Burkina Faso, a boy was born named Ouédraogo (meaning stallion).

To protect this entity, not to mention Princess'Yenenga, it seemed obvious to us to guarantee the security of the premises with Amazons in the image of the Burkinabe myth and, by extension, the warrior women of Dahomey.  

And so GLOSS sécurité was born. Why GLOSS ? In its definition, GLOSS revives hair color and gives a glossy look to lips. Valuing women in a company incorporated under Burkinabe law seemed to us to be an original and coherent approach: consideration, competence and equal treatment for men and women in the workplace.

Our Security Services: Complete Protection for You.

With our wealth of human and technical skills, we offer safety and security audits and consultancy services for your industrial or commercial sites, as well as training courses in first aid and advanced first aid, defensive driving and stress management in hostile zones. Our extensive expertise in isolated environments reinforces our ability to deliver safety solutions at all levels. Trust our experienced team for comprehensive safety solutions.